Silveron Health Products - Elk Antler Velvet
• Increased mental and physical energy
• Anti-stress and mood enhancer
• Increased strength and stamina
Balanced by Nature
Elk Velvet Antler - The Unique Food Supplement
Elk Velvet is an ideal food supplement with a wide range of
benefits, naturally produced for your mental and physical health. This
health-enhancing food supplement has been used in the Orient for over 2000
years. In the Western World, we are only recently discovering its amazing
qualities. People who take Elk Velvet report feeling younger and leading
healthier, more active lives. In an unpredictable world full of demands, we
suggest Elk Velvet to calm your nerves and strengthen your body.
Velvet Antler & Ginseng - An Ideal Combination
Feeling tired and worn out?
Why not try Velvet Antler with Ginseng, a super-natural
formula. An all-natural blend of nature's most potent plant
and animal foods for a super-health body and mind.
Pure Canadian Elk Velvet and Pure Canadian Ginseng Root ideally complement
each other as a nutritional food supplement. Our natural ginseng is grown
in Canada's Okanogan Valley, home to some of the best ginseng root
produced in the entire world. Ginseng has been used for centuries in
the Orient for its benefits for stress and energy. The Chinese have
long believed that ginseng increases longevity and improves general
health, appetite, and memory. It is commonly used in the US and
Europe by athletes as a herbal supplement to enhance energy.
Japanese medical researchers conducted a study in the mid-1980s
showing that ginseng root increases total work output on a stationery
bike by 23.3%. Russian scientists, in a study conducted in the
1960s and verified again in the 1980s, claim that ginseng root
increases mental performance. Other studies show that ginseng root
increases overall health. We believe ginseng root combined with Elk
Velvet is the ideal food supplement.